When Daylight Saving Time was first introduced in the United States, it was known by another name—fast time. In the papers we find a history of fast time and its progression into the nationwide practice we have today.

The first fast time in the U.S. was observed nationally in 1918, but was so unpopular it lasted only seven months. Some states continued to observe the change, but most happily went back to the way things had been before. Then, during WWII, President Roosevelt set time in motion once again:

Daylight Saving legislation

Once the war ended, the law ended as well, and states were allowed to choose if and when they would observe fast time. Understandably, this created a lot of confusion across the nation, particularly when it came to travel and broadcast schedules.

Fast Time confusion

And yet, it took until 1966 for the confusion to be sorted out. Opinions on the introduction of a unified time change were varied, but after 20 years of dealing with the inconsistencies pretty much everyone was ready to be on the same page. Thus entered the Uniform Time Act.

Uniform Time Act of 1966

Since then, all but those who have chosen exemption continue to practice Daylight Saving time, though the dates on which it begins and ends have changed occasionally throughout the years. It continues to be a source of annoyance for many, but some, like Jennifer Walker in 1983, think overall it’s just fine.

Jennifer Walker's opinion on Daylight Saving Time.

Find more on Daylight Saving Time in the news by making a search on Newspapers.com. And don’t forget to turn your clocks ahead one hour this Sunday!

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9 thoughts on “Fast Time

  1. Tarawa; great topic. I have given consideration for decades, and conclude that the reality of the shuffle, is man attempting to deny nature. We are biological( not so logical, really) beings on a biological planet. We should adjust to nature, and not try to adjust nature to, well, our mechanical, material, “make money for the wealthy” schedules. Slow down when it’s cold, and when it is very hot. And when it is dark, adjust to your bio clock. The attempt to adjust nature is silly. Good for business, though. Hmmm…what kind of business?. Mother Nature speaks, and she is more powerful than all of Humanity. Let’s listen, and live accordingly

  2. Your blog is very unique in every way, the tips and information in this article is great and reliable. Yes, i agree The first fast time in the U.S. was observed nationally in 1918, but was so unpopular it lasted only seven months. Some states continued to observe the change, but most happily went back to the way things had been before.

  3. Merry; it IS a great article, clarifying the process, one of many processes, that occur over time, as we become more clear about our own history. If I am not mistaken, only Arizona now does not attempt to use “time shifting” in order to adjust how we function. There has been the argument that it saves lives; people driving cars get into less accidents, children walking to school are safer, etc. Those points do have validity. Arizona has done it, and their world goes on. I have to wonder how many might die from the stress, and the many accidents and disease symptoms that occur due to the stress of manipulating our biological clocks in such a way. (Merry, nice to see someone, you, + Taraya, who has researched how we, America, works.) History is made up of a lot of things, all of them important. “Slow down, you’ll get there sooner.” W. W. Spaine Don’t forget to change your clock sunday night. Hmmm…

  4. (When I say Arizona has “done it”, that is, they do not try to shift time. Perhaps it is their Native American population that has influenced this)

  5. R. J. Yeah, well, I will not be censored, and if your mind is a single comment, and you know, good for you. True, I am new at “blogging” but I am not new to knowledge, nor communication and understanding. I like that you have an opinion. And you don’t like that I don’t follow the prescribed format. That’s a good thing. “If two people agree on everything, one of them is unecessary.” Nancy Reagan said that, believe it or not. I look forward to the day of social communication, not just media format. If a comment is all you have about life, that is you. I respect that. I also like dialog, and believe me, I am very decisive. If understanding is reduced to a comment, it isn’t there. You might think about the place where you actually use your memory, instead of your IPhone, I would suggest, perhaps. Think…about it. Thanks for your take on the form communication should take. The world is changing, and it is becoming smaller, and it is brave and new. I like your repartee. Let’s say, if martial law is declared; will your decision to vote be kept that way. It is comfortable to reduce the world to Mcquick. It does not require much thought, only fear. Yes, I have interrupted your belief that what is generally agreed upon is quick, and simple. The history of the world up to this day, not so much. You keep it your way. Good luck Jr I look forward to you teaching me.

  6. And, your comment appears to be about changing the clocks. My bad. Anyway, maybe it is about both. Life is like that. Living on a “clock” that is a yearly re-arrangement of time, is, well, insane, a psychotic break, and a denial of the time rhythm of light, dark, hot and cold. Who decides?, and why. Look to the big picture. Unless perspective is discussed, it isn’t reason, and unless reason is discussed, there is no perspective. It has been decided, and has been done various ways. I would suggest a discussion.

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