Happy International Women’s Day! All throughout time women have changed the world with their bravery, inventions, and insights. Many have fallen into obscurity through the years as their contributions were either forgotten or misattributed, but a few made lasting impressions that are recorded in first hand accounts, journals, and newspapers. Below are four such trailblazers, written forever into the pages of history.

1. Sayyida al Hurra, pirate queen of the Mediterranean Sea (1485 – after 1542):
Sayyida al Hurra, pirate2. Aphra Behn (code name Astrea), playwright and political spy for Charles II (1640-1689):
Aphra Behn, writer
Aphra Behn3: Lozen, Apache warrior and prophet (c.1840 – 1889):
Lozen, Apache warrior
Lozen, warrior4. Qiu Jin, feminist and revolutionary (1875 – 1907):
Qiu Jin, revolutionary
Qiu Jin, feminist revolutionaryFind more on these women and more with a search on Newspapers.com.






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