“Give Up or Give In!”: Advertising during World War I

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James Montgomery Flagg's famous Uncle Sam recruitment image
Following the creation of the Committee on Public Information in April 1917—and especially its advertising division in January 1918—official propaganda for World War I spread like wildfire. In fact, pro-war propaganda became so prevalent that it began seeping into a myriad of aspects of daily life—including newspaper advertising.

Some ads were for products with an obvious connection to the war, such as the omnipresent advertisements for Liberty Loans. These ads often echoed the sentiments seen on propaganda posters, using patriotism and pride in equal measures with guilt and even fear to persuade newspaper readers to purchase Liberty Bonds and War Savings Stamps to help fund the war effort. For instance, one Liberty Bond ad made it clear that it was either “give in” and participate in the Liberty Loan or “give up” hope of winning the war. Another ad asked “What is YOUR standard of patriotism? . . . In an hour like this it is not true patriotism to give merely what we don’t need. True patriots will sacrifice.”

Liberty Bond ad (New York)
Then there were the ads in which advertisers found ways to associate their everyday products and services with the war effort. Nemo Self-Reducing Corsets used this technique in an ad that stated, “Women who work, especially those who are doing unaccustomed war-time labor, must guard their health to retain their efficiency. Therefore, Nemo Self-Reducing Corsets are now, even more than ever—a national necessity!”

Likewise, ads that demonstrated support for America’s soldiers also became a popular marketing tool. A classic example of this is a Wrigley’s gum ad that underneath an image of a soldier hugging his mother reads, “He’s telling her that nothing he received from home brought him more joy, longer-lasting pleasure, greater relief from thirst and fatigue, than Wrigley’s.”

World War I Wrigley's gum adAnother way ads capitalized on the war was by referring to Herbert Hoover’s request as head of the U.S. Food Administration for Americans to conserve certain kinds of food, such as wheat. Such an ad for a Roberts & Leahy store advertised, “Eat more potatoes and less wheat products and you will be doing a little bit more to help our own boys over there. We will help you do your bit of saving by selling potatoes so cheap you can afford to eat more of them and less wheat products.”

Whatever their technique, ads like these counted on Americans’ patriotism—and the newspapers’ increased wartime readership—to sell their products. Have you come across any interesting wartime ads or propaganda in the papers on Newspapers.com? Tell us about it! Or clip and share them with your family or friends.

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8 thoughts on ““Give Up or Give In!”: Advertising during World War I

  1. Hello. I need to gain access to archival newspapers etc UK, say for the period 1880-1920. Sorry to ask, but can you help? Thanks, Mark.

  2. My ancestors lived in Washington County, Indiana. I was disappointed to find none of the newspapers from there in Newspapers.com. Can Newspapers.com get the 2 or 3 newspapers from the 1800s and early 1900s on-line so I can access them? Thanks.

    1. We add millions of pages to the site each month and we are always looking for new papers. If you have specific papers you are interested in, you can let our content team know using the form on our contact page (http://www.newspapers.com/contact/) and choosing “Content suggestion” from the “Subject” drop down menu. If you know (and include in your message) a publisher, library or archive that has the papers, that can help a lot. Thanks!

  3. My ancestors lived in Wilkes, Washington, Hancock, Warren, Richmond, Randolph, Stewart Counties, Georgia in late 1700 through 1890. Can newspapers.com help
    me access newspapers on line in that time period? Thank you very much!

  4. The Google News Archives service has been discontinued by Google which has eliminated my access to the archives of the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel. It was never fully convenient to copy articles from those archives but now it is gone entirely. I would request that you consider taking up this archive service. I don’t know why Google dropped it.

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